We take care of your losses so that you can take care of yourself
Dealing with a large fire, robbery, serious workplace injury or death is a devastating experience and trying to get through it by yourself can be a real challenge. Professional one-on-one counselling or Critical Incident Stress Management, included in your small business policy, is designed to help you overcome emotional consequences of life-altering experiences. Independent third-party specialists will provide the support you need to overcome the distressing event and move past it.
How to regret-proof your insurance
What's your strategy when choosing an insurance policy? “Do your research!”, “One size doesn’t fit all”, “Always negotiate!” - these are all true but there are tricks that you may be missing. To stay on top of the recent advances in insurance programs simply join our Facebook community for real life insights and tips from business owners, like yourself.
Business vision is your strong suit; 
our tailored policy - a perfect addition
As a business owner, what are you especially proud of? Your product or service, customer support, or maybe quality assurance? It's hard to choose, isn't it? Okay, we'll go first. There is one thing that we value the most in our business - we call it the human factor. In the age of algorithms, we believe in the undeniable power of professional contact and the opportunity to discuss your needs face-to-face with an expert. Human connections can initiate a long-term business relationship and spark unexpected solutions that match your needs to the fullest. Come talk to one of our experts and see for yourself.​​​​​​​

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